Some Important Biological Facts
Largest egg = Struthio(Ostrich)
Longest cell = Neuron
Largest animal = Blue Whale
Largest Terrestrial animal = Loxodonta(African elephant)
Largest bird = Struthio(Ostrich)
Largest snake = Python
Largest living lizard = Varanus(Monitor lizard)
Largest living reptile = Crocodylus(marine crocodile)
Largest teeth = Tusk of elephant
Largest Human muscle = Gluteus maximus]
Deadly poisonous snake = Hydrophis(Sea snake)
Smallest animal = Babesia(Parasitic Protozoa)
Smallest bird = Humming bird of Cuba
Smallest mammal = Shrew
Connecting links between Reptile & birds = Archaeopteryx
Primitive mammal = Echidna or Spiny ant eater(Egg laying)
Poisonous lizard = Heloderma(Gila monster)
Living fossil reptile = Sphenodon(Tuatara)
Flying lizard = Draco
Desert lizard or Horned toad = Phrynosoma
Flying fish = Exocoetus
Pigeon milk is secreted from = Crop glands of pigeon
Largest gland in body = Liver
Largest endocrine gland = Thyroid
Blood gland = Found in Pheretima
Brunner's gland = Duodenum and secretes mucous.
Ceruminous gland = External ear
Conglobate gland = Male cockroach
Collaterialgland = Female cockroach.
Cowper's gland = Reproductive tract of male rabbit.
Green gland = Antenna of Prawn(Excretory in function).
Harderian gland = Eye of mammals.
Abdominal testes = Elephant,whale e.t.c.
Ink gland = Sepia(Protective in function)
Lachrymal(tear) gland = Eye of mammals
Mammary gland = Mammals only.
Mehli's gland = Reproductive organ of Fosciola
Meibomian gland = Eye of mammmal.
Mushroom gland = Male cockroach.
Phallic gland = Male cockroach
Preengland = Birds
Sebaceous gland = Skin of mammal
Sweat gland = Mammals only
Utricular gland = Male cockroach
Zeis gland = Eye lashes of vertebrate
World's first test tube baby = Louise Joy Brown
Total species existing today = 5 to 30 millions.
Origin of universe = 10 to 15 billion years ago.
Origin of life = 3.6 to 4.0 billion years ago.